Contact Us

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Contact TRO Maintenance Solutions

TRO Maintenance Solutions
2755 Windwood Drive, Unit 25
Mississauga, Ontario
Canada L5N 2C8


Tel.: (905) 542-5990
Fax: (905) 542-1660


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To serve you better, we have prepared this on-line method of communication. Please use the following form for inquiries or to have a brochure mailed to the address you provide. A TRO professional will respond to your request as soon as possible or call-back at a time that is convenient to you. Thank you.

TRO Maintenance Solutions customer-oriented services will review and enhance your maintenance practices to ensure your business objectives are realized on-time and on-budget. We offer a host of proactive and cost-effective services looking at every stage in the evolution of achieving an effective maintenance management program. These stages include:

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