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Case Studies


  • From horseless carriages to cars 
    When implementing a maintenance management strategy, a critical component is the resistance to change. Whether it is the introduction of new software or a complete overhaul of the maintenance function…  
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  • An Effective CMMS Strategy 
    Often Organizations underestimate the importance of their Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) database. The growth of your CMMS never stops. It will always evolve as your use and understanding of the software matures….  
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  • An Effective Maintenance Strategy 
    Maintenance exists to protect your plant’s physical assets. An effective maintenance strategy ensures that you get the maximum life from your building, utilities and production equipment for the most economical cost…  
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  • Bridging Communication with Finance 
    There was always one thing that used to send me over the deep end when working as a Maintenance Planner: being asked by the Finance Department to do more with less…  
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  • Managing Your CMMS Database-revised 
    It probably has been a couple of years since you and others in your organization have put a major effort into building that pristine CMMS database. Now somehow you are not able to get the information out of the system that you require…  
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  • Store Rooms 
    Have you ever spent hours looking for a file that you need, that you thought was on your desk but, is not there. Do you recall the sense of panic and frustration you felt? Imagine how maintenance personnel and storeroom people feel when the part you know you ordered cannot be found…  
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